Monday 5 October 2009

A Cry For Help

Gordon Brown please listen:
To the Voice of a Service User,
Of Mental Health Services in Cambridge.
Though my experiences of Mental Suffering may be Unique,
I’m sure that I speak with the Voice of all Service Users in Cambridge and Beyond.

Whose Fate suffers,
Due to closures of vital local Mental Health Service Providers,
Such as our very own Lifecraft,
Here in Cambridge.

Listen to the Voices,
At a Members Meeting,
These fellow Sufferes,
Have nowhere else to go,
No one else who will listen.

Fairer Taxation is the answer:
Tax the Rich,
To help the Poor and Needy,
Footballers and their Wives,
Or Peoples Lives?

Charity funding is all very well,
When there is enough Money to go around.
But don’t forget the Politicians too:
A Lib-Dem Council here in Cambridge,
But rich Colleges of Cambridge University,
Seem to ignore the Local Folks,
Like us Mental Health Service Users,
Who are too scared to go out and about!

However it is more than just,
Cambridge and its Colleges;
I’m sure that Linton is right:
Enough Money to go around,
But how is it spent?
That is the question!

For example Fighting in Iraq,
Thousands of miles from home,
Putting the People there in a “living hell”.
Surely if the West pulled out,
And let them Fight amongst Themselves,
Wouldn’t they find it better?

I mean can a Quarter of a Million People be wrong?
The biggest public March London has ever seen!
And now it turns out,
There wasn’t enough Evidence,
For ousting Saddham Husein out.

Much the same conflict in Afghanistan too,
And what with the Trident Nuclear Submarines too.
What I am trying to point out,
Is that plenty of Money is out there and about.

All we need to do,
Is to press the Politicians,
To ensure Fairer Distribution of all these Funds:
Such as fuelling Global Conflicts,
For the sake of riches.
Exploiting the Poor overseas,
For their Oil,
Fuelling more Global Consumerism,
Or saving Peoples lives back home?

For example, where I am concerned:
The threat of Lifecraft Closure,
Here in Cambridge,
Partly due to Local Rents up to high.
Can’t the Politicians do something about this?
The College Bosses “Up To High”.
